Prince of Persia - Apple II
Prince of Persia (Original 3.5 floppy for IIc+).2MG (800 KB)
Prince of Persia (rebuilt from source code) side A.nib (228 KB)
Prince of Persia (rebuilt from source code) side B.nib (228 KB)
prince of persia (san inc crack).txt (1 KB)
prince of persia side a (san inc crack).dsk (140 KB)
prince of persia side b (san inc crack).dsk (140 KB)
prince_of_persia_2_drive_ver1.dsk (140 KB)
prince_of_persia_2_drive_ver2.dsk (140 KB)
prince_of_persia_2_drive_ver3.dsk (140 KB)
prince_of_persia_a.dsk (140 KB)
prince_of_persia_b.dsk (140 KB)
prince_of_persia_boot.dsk (140 KB)
Hidden screens (cracked Apple IIgs version)
Hold [Open Apple] + [Closed Apple] before the game boots (while the disk drive is seeking)
and press one of the following keys to view a hidden screen or message: [Delete], [Exclamation
Point], [Return], @, or ^. Move the Joystick while pressing ^ for another effect.
Note: This
may only be done in the Byte Bastard or 18 Sector versions.
View version number (cracked Apple IIgs version)
Press [Ctrl] + V during game play.
Note: This may only be done in the Byte Bastard or 18
Sector versions.
Hidden messages (cracked Apple IIgs version)
Press ^ during disk access on side two. Additionally, use a sector editor to examine track
$00, sector $F of side 1 to view a hidden message.
Note: This may only be done in the Byte
Bastard or 18 Sector versions.
Eight vials of health (cracked version)
Press [Ctrl] + V during game play.
Note: This may only be done in the Saltine version
of the game.
More time (cracked version)
Press [Open Apple] + [Ctrl] + V to restore time to 60 minutes.
Note: This may only be done
in the Doppleganger 3.5 version.
Restore health (cracked version)
Press [Closed Apple] + [Ctrl] + V to restore health.
Note: This may only be done in the
Doppleganger 3.5 version.
leapop - PoP 1 Apple II and BBC Master level editor
leapop is a level editor of Prince of Persia for the Apple II and BBC Master. Version 0.9b was released by Norbert de Jonge on 1 April 2018.
- Windows version 32-bit (latest, 0.9b version):
- GNU/Linux version (latest, 0.9b version): leapop-0.9b.tar.gz