Collection for every LEP-potion in the game
Written by Maurice Kaltofen
LEP stands for "Life Extension Potion". These are the bright green potions found during the game. When drinking, they can add a bottle or more to your maximum life.
Level 1 - Prison: - Found right after the first guard you need to fight; Go into the room where he came from and push the crate under the crane. Climb up the ledge and lift the box, using the crane. Get back down, ét voilá: You found it!
Level 4 - Palace 1: - Found after killing the last guard (axe-wielder). The super jump potion's effect should last over the whole level here. Get to the very outside of the middle circle in the room, facing the middle and jump up. You should eventually grab a ledge. If not, you just lost some health (I suggest save before doing it). If you successfully grabbed the ledge, pull up, of course. On the upper ledge, see a table-ish thing in the middle? Climb on it and get to the very border of it. Jump up, facing off the middle and grab one other ledge. Climb up and search there for a potion.
Level 7 - Rooftops: - Can be seen before fighting the first guard. Go ahead and fight him, take a passage through a window, right, fight the guard there, run over the loose floor (jump when it falls,or grab the ledge). Head into the niche and examine the torches. One has a pressure plate which opens some windows. Climb through. The rest is all self-explanatory, so there's not much to say.
Level 8 - Streets/Docks: - Found at the Docks. It's on the top of the house of the old man where the flute is in. Grab it, you'll need it to finish the level. Find your way up onto the roof of the house and climb through a hole. In there's an LEP. Drink it and then find your way to the Dirigible.
Level 10 - Lower Dirigible 2: - This potion is up above 2 the right of the cannon(which shoots u if u r in front of it) so you'll have to climb around it, using a rope and the platforms nearby.
Level 13 - Floating Ruins: - Somewhere should be a platform where there's a guard and the LEP. You have to find the arrow called "Snare of The Unwary Soul" or something like that. Shoot the guard with it (save before you do, it's your only one and if you miss, you'll miss the LEP, as well) and drink the potion while being him.
Level 14 - Cliffs: - Found inside the first guardhouse after unfrozen a monk. It's located inside a pit where it's guarded by some kind of monster (like Shattered said: "some sort of black monkey or rat").
That's it. Every (?) LEP in the game.