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How to play PoP1 and PoP2 on the PSP (DOSBox)

The following guide is written by ThunderStorM exclusively for PoPUW. Page updated on July 2020.

In this video we can see the Prince of Persia 1 and 2 gameplay for systems: Dos, Super Nintendo, Mega Drive and Prince of Persia Classic for mobile phones. You can follow our guide and download every version that is listed here for PSP in easy way. (Emulators and games all included in the links).


Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6xRxc2XfiI


PSP screen is "16:9". POP and older games have the native aspect raito "4:3". I have set our programs in mode "4:3", otherwise the game image result stretched. That's why, when you copy the files on PSP, you can see two black bars on right and left of the PSP screen. Don't rename the folders and the files.


Download: DOSBox_0.71.rar (6.3 MB) [PoP 1 and 2 - DosNavigator DOSBOX 0.71 PSP PORT by CrazyC]

New update file with speed fix - download: DOSBox4PSP.rar (6.4 MB)


1- Open "My Computer", connect your psp to PC, copy the folder “DOSBox_0.71” in: ms0:\PSP\GAME

2- Disconnect the cable, go to the "Game" menu and start the DOSBox. After a minute, starts a program called Dos Navigator, this is necessary to start the games in easy way.

3- Now move the analogic cursor, go upside-left and make double-click on the folder of the game you decide pressing two times the R button.

Prince of Persia PSP

There's two folders named: "1POP" and "2POP".

4- I have added the .BAT files: one per folder. This files are able to map the PC keyboard keys to the PSP buttons. To start the game, press two times R button in "PoP.bat" or "PoP2.bat".

5- Speedup: Inside the DOSBox folder, there is a file named "dosbox.conf", you can open this file with notepad and search for "core=auto", try edit with "core=dynamic", save the file and restart DOSBox, if starts, probabilly the games runs more smoother, if DOSBox crashes when you launch it, re-set to: "core=auto". DOSBox probabilly crashes with lastet version of Custom Firmwares in "dynamic" mode.

PoP1 keys:

↑ ← ↓ →: movements
x: jump (mapped same as ↑ button) \\ grab up
x + ← or →: jump without run
↑: grab up \\ parate (using sword)
↓: go down \\ put down the sword
▲: crouch
■: walk \\ collect items
Select: pause \\ skip cinematics
Start: enter

PoP2 keys:

↑ ← ↓ →: movements
x: jump (mapped same as ↑ button) \\ grab up
x + ← or →: jump without run
↑: grab up \\ parate (using sword)
↓: go down \\ put down the sword
↓+← or ↓+→ : crawl
■: walk \\ collect items
Ο: use sword
▲+L: load game
▲+R: save game
Select: pause \\ skip cinematics
Start: enter

Prince of Persia PSP

Important Notes:

1- PoP2 stuck in "Sound Blaster" mode. I used the option "PC Speaker" for the audio. Game stuck after taking the boat loading the file "nis.dat": this why the PSP Kernel can run maximum 9 files per time. Is impossible to fix this.

2- There is two keys for the games for jump and crouch: Arrow up and Cross to jump. Arrow down and Triangle to crouch.

3- Game versions: PoP1= 1.3. PoP2= 1.0

4- In PoP2 when you enter in the grotto, there is the copy protection screen. Press Start to continue. (Also loading a saved game).

5- In PoP2, to save the status, press Triangle + R, press again R to write the letter G, now press the Start button to save.

6- To load a saved game, press: Triangle + L; now you see your saved game named: "G". Press Start to load.

7- Remember that when you save, the game save the status ONLY at the starting in the level you are.

8- The sound of pop1 is good, but in POP2 there is only "PC Speaker".

Known issues:

Regarding PoP1 saving/loading: Save: CTRL + G, loading: CTRL + L. You can save only AFTER Level 3. In PSP is possible to save, but impossible to load! Because gets a error.

I don't know if it's me, but i found a way to get past the nis file.... Dunno if someone posted this yet, but this is what i did... I placed the POP2 files on my psp, then before playing, i go on my psp, go to the pop2 map, run setup.exe... There i change my memory mode to 640k only, sound device to pc speaker and synthesizer to pc speaker... after that save configuration and exit... then go play and it worked for me...

If you want to change keys, write your game-keys in notedap, save the file when you finished to map, put this file in your POP directory, start the DOSBox, enter in the POP folder, and start your BAT file, (the extension bust be .BAT).

This is the bat file that I used to map PoP1:

INPUTMAP right right
INPUTMAP down down
INPUTMAP left left
INPUTMAP triangle down
INPUTMAP square lshift
INPUTMAP cross up
INPUTMAP circle circle
INPUTMAP start enter
INPUTMAP select esc
INPUTMAP exec prince

Keymap for PoP2:

INPUTMAP right right
INPUTMAP down down
INPUTMAP left left
INPUTMAP triangle lalt
INPUTMAP square lshift
INPUTMAP cross up
INPUTMAP triangle lalt
INPUTMAP circle lctrl
INPUTMAP start enter
INPUTMAP select esc
INPUTMAP rtrigger g
INPUTMAP ltrigger l
INPUTMAP exec prince

PSP Material Pack

PSP Material Pack (released by ThunderStorM) includes DOSBox, SNES, Genesis, SEGA Mega CD, Java versions of all Prince of Persia games. Get it now from here:

Download: https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1_i70DD07Df7II8K3ZGJBMPHLt2n0WTXC&export=download (PSP.rar 137 MB).

How to play PoP1 and PoP2 on the PSP (Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive)

Super Nintendo instructions:

Download: s9xTYL_Test_5.rar [Snes9xTYL 0.4.2].

1- Open "My Computer", connect your psp to PC, copy the folder: "s9xTYL_Test_5" in X:\PSP\GAME.

2- Disconnect the cable, go to the "Game" menu and start the program; you can see the emulator on list, open it, and will appear the "rom list". There is only PoP 1 & 2. Select one with Ο to play.


- Keys for SNES version are same to PoP 1 & 2 DOS version. You can also use analogic for movements.

- You can use the "save state" to save your progress when you want, to do it, press HOME button then "LOAD/SAVE" then "Save State". Obiously to load select "Load State". Always use Ο in menu emulator to do any function.

Sega Mega Drive instructions:

Download: PicoDrive_1.51b.rar [PicoDrive 1.51b].

1- Open "My Computer", connect your psp to PC, copy the folder: "PicoDrive_1.51b" in X:\PSP\GAME.

2- Disconnect the cable, go to the "Game" menu and start the program; you can see the emulator on list, open it, and will appear the "rom list". There is only PoP 1 & 2. Select one with Ο to play.


- Keys for PoP 1 & 2 are same to DOS version, EXCEPT for PoP1: to grab up is possible only with ↑, you can't with x. In combats, to parate, is possible with x except with ↑. It's also possible to use the analogic for movements.

- You can save the game progress when you want, to do it, press "R". To load Press "L".

- Always use Ο in menu emulator to do any function.

- PoP2 is BETA version on Mega Drive, because the retail was never released: In level 9 it's impossible to take the horse, but you can anyway pass the level by using the password code to go on level 10: TQHBV.

To learn more about PoP2 for Genesis, please follow this page: pop2genesis.html.

Instructions for PoP Classic

PoP Classic

Download: PSPKVM_0.5.5.rar [PSPKVM 0.5.5].

1- Open "My Computer", connect your psp to PC, copy the folder: "PSPKVM_0.5.5" in X:\PSP\GAME.

2- Disconnect the cable, go to the "Game" menu and start the program; you can see the emulator on list, select it and press Circle to start.

3- i have set the program to play rotate 90° because the screen is more bigger than if you play in normal mode: currently is not possible play in fullscreen with some games.


-When you start a new game, there is four ways: the "Normal mode" have the coins in the levels. The "Classic mode" no: (i prefer this mode).

-The game save automatically when you finish a level, and have also checkpoints ingame. To load the saved game, you have to press "Continue".

-I have removed the tutorial and the butterfly, but you can turn on this, in the menu.

-If you want play normally without rotate your PSP, press: Start, down arrow to: "Select device" and press Circle to confirm, press Circle again; to play normally, select:"Nokia (240*320)", remember that in this way the gamescreen is small. To play with psp rotate 90° select: "Nokia (320*240, CW90)". Circle to confirm, "Start" to save, Circle to play the game.

KEYS (in rotated mode):

↑ ← ↓ →: movements\\ in combat up & down arrow: parate
Ο: use sword \\ jump
→+↑ or ←+↑: jump
■: put down the sword
▲: high jump on left
x: high jump on right
Start: menu

You can modify the ingame keys on the program menu: press: start, go to "Select device" and press Circle to confirm; here you can change.

Prince of Persia - Special Edition SWF on PSP

The Prince of Persia - Special Edition SWF flash game can be played on a PSP through internet and offline. Either go to following address on PSP browser:


For info on how to do this look here:


Or save it to common folder on PSP and open web browser, go to File:/psp/common/prince.swf to play. It runs slowly, almost frame by frame, some graphics are yellow instead of regular, and since the PSP control pad acts like arrow keys and the control stick acts like a mouse with the X button as the left mouse button, it is possible to play. However, with the framerate problems, and most importantly the fact that you can't use the shift button to grap ledges or pick up swords, makes it unplayable. If we can change the controls from shift to the left mouse button, we can play like this:

control pad = arrow keys
control stick = mouse
X button = shift

so all you would need to do is put the mouse on the flash game, and click and sometimes hold the X button. Then we could play it.

The framerate is another thing. If we can somehow make the memory size smaller, it will play just fine.

The reason for this is so we don't need to use it has homebrew and can use it on a regular PSP.