Prince of Persia 3D Downloads Page
Download Prince of Persia 3D
This is an exclusive upload to from Shattered.
General Information
Publisher: The Learning Company
Developer: Red Orb Entertainment
Year: 1999
Platform: Windows
Genre: Action
Language: English
Source: Retail
Number of discs: 2
Compression format: RAR
Number of parts: 3
Part size: 300,000,000 bytes
File validation: SFV
Image format: CCD/IMG/SUB
Image created with: CloneCD
Copy protection: SafeDisc v1.30
Contents of release:
- pop3d.rxx: Prince of Persia 3D, high-res scans, manual, v1.01 patch (original and unpacked), unprotected POP3D.exe, crack
- pop3d.nfo
Install Notes
01. Unpack with WinRAR
02. Burn or mount
03. Install
04. Apply the v1.01 patch
05. Play! (CD2 is the play disc)
Quicktime is a required component to play the in-game movies. Newer versions of Quicktime or Quicktime Alternative can be used instead of v4.0 which comes with the game.
v1.01 patch instructions:
The v1.01 patch has a bug, which installs all the files into the Windows directory by default. To install the v1.01 patch properly, follow one of the two solutions below:
Solution 1:
01. Run regedit
02. Open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Orb\Prince of Persia 3D\1.0"
03. Add a new string value named "Directory", pointing to the directory where the game has been installed in
04. Apply the v1.01 patch.
Solution 2:
Extract PoP3D_Unpacked_Patch_v1.01.rar into the installation folder (make sure to overwrite all existing files).
Unprotected POP3D.exe instructions:
Use the unprotected POP3D.exe in case you experience problems with the SafeDisc protection on modern systems. You need to have the v1.01 patch installed. Please note that CD2 is still required in the drive. This file was unprotected with Safedisc Annihilator v1.1.
Crack instructions:
Use the included v1.01 crack to play without CD. Read Instructions.nfo for more information. There is no need to apply the v1.01 patch before using this crack (the v1.01 files are included).
Prince of Persia 3D Brazilian Portuguese Version

This is an exclusive upload to from Andre C. Campos.
Released in 1999 by BraSoft
Download Prince Of Persia 3D Brazilian Portuguese Version:
The folder contains the two images, as well as a zip file (792 MB) with the game patched and configured to work on Windows 10, 1080p, and widescreen.
Prince of Persia 3D German Version
This is an exclusive upload to from iranboy2955.
Download (598 MB) Prince Of Persia 3D FULL ISO [German]:
Prince of Persia 3D Italian Version
This is an exclusive upload to from ThunderStorM.
Special thanks to Marco Iacone for translating the texts to Italian.
Download (554 MB):
Prince Of Persia 3D Italian - Original 2 CDs Full ISO
Download (1.02 GB):
Prince of Persia 3D Spanish Version
Download (585 MB) Prince Of Persia 3D FULL ISO [Spanish]:
Prince of Persia 3D Spanish Version - Improved translation for the menu
An improved translation for Prince of Persia 3D Spanish game menu has been released by Elojah.
Download: (6.86 KB)
How to use:
01. Download and extract the archive.
02. Copy the extracted GameText.txt to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D
03. You will be prompted to replace the existing file.
04. Confirm the replacement.
Prince of Persia 3D Russian Version
Download (486 MB) Prince Of Persia 3D Russian Version:
Prince of Persia 3D Demo version
You can download PoP3D Demo version from here:
The demo works fine under all OSes. If you have any questions about the DEMO, please refer to this topic.
PoP 3D - English Game Manual
This is the full and complete game manual for Prince of Persia 3D. Now you can download it exclusively on - (thanks to Muyfa666).
PoP 3D - English Manual: to download, click here: Prince_Of_Persia_3D_Manual.pdf.
PoP 3D Manual in other languages
PoP 3D - Spanish Manual: to download, click here: pop3d_manual_es.pdf.
PoP 3D - Italian Manual: to download, click here: pop3d_manual_it.pdf.
PoP 3D - German Manual: to download, click here: pop3d_manual_de.pdf.
PoP 3D - Dutch Manual: to download, click here: pop3d_manual_nl.pdf.
PoP 3D - English (UK) Manual: to download, click here: pop3d_manual_uk.pdf.
NEW Prince of Persia 3D v1.01 unpacked patch
Following is written by Shattered:
The v1.01 patch for PoP3D has an annoying bug: it copies all its files into the Windows directory instead of the PoP3D directory. There is a registry fix for this which works fine on XP, but apparently doesn't work on Windows 7. I've created a RAR file which includes all the files and folders from the v1.01 patch. In case the registry fix doesn't work or if you don't want to mess with the registry then this is the file you need. Just extract it into your PoP3D directory (make sure to overwrite the existing files) and play the game with the v1.01 patch. Surprisingly, the game works fine on Windows 7.
Download: pop3dpatch1_01.rar
Official Patch 1.01
- Download: POP3Dpatch1_01.exe (6.03 MB)
Official Patch 1.0
- Download: POP3Dpatch1.exe (4.11 MB)
Prince of Persia 3D Geometry Patch
Use this patch if you have issues with textures. To use:
- Delete the /Geometry/ folder located in C: / Program Files / Red Orb / Prince of Persia 3D / ...
- Extrate the archive in the same directory.
Download: Geometry.rar (103 MB)
Prince of Persia 3D - Fix Upside Down Textures
By Elojah
Many strips and Arabic texts of the decoration of palaces and buildings in the game are the other way round, these strips and decorations are not corrected. It's an original mistake of the game, you get inside of a palace and writings in the walls are the other way round, and if you understand what they say, that's would be annoying! The solution to fix this issue is quite simple: You should get in to folder named Geometry, find the images which are upside down, and just turn them the other side with the Image Visor of Windows... and done!
Download: A Rar files with the folders and *.bmp image files put them right, just to unfold and overwrite the existent files
Geometry.rar (930 KB)
How to use:
01. Download and extract the archive.
02. Copy the extracted files to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry
03. You will be prompted to replace the existing files in their corresponding nested folders.
04. Confirm the replacements.
Or, if you would like to do the fixes manually, here is a list of files that must be put upside down to correct the wrong Arabic and Persian texts on the walls of buildings (just open them with ImageViewer of Windows and press 'Turn left' twice to turn them 180 degrees): (You can also get this text file from here: pop3d_right_text_strips.txt)
---------------------------------------------------- Location: C:\Program Files\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry\Rooms\cliffs greenskullcracks.bmp watertankskull.bmp ---------------------------------------------------- Location: C:\Program Files\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry\Rooms\Dirig1A WDfaintpttrn.bmp ---------------------------------------------------- Location: C:\Program Files\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry\Rooms\Dirig1B WDfaintpttrn.bmp ---------------------------------------------------- Location: C:\Program Files\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry\Rooms\Palace2 flag(turq)03.bmp Gre08a.bmp ---------------------------------------------------- Location: C:\Program Files\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry\Rooms\Palace3 Whitestripe.bmp ---------------------------------------------------- Location: C:\Program Files\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry\Rooms\Palace4 Whitestripe.bmp ---------------------------------------------------- Location: C:\Program Files\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry\Rooms\roof1 brickbluescriptedcarved.bmp bricktrimscripted.bmp color dirtywall_script.bmp color dirtywall_1_1 copy.bmp decostripe.bmp stripedcarvedtext.bmp ---------------------------------------------------- Location: C:\Program Files\Red Orb\Prince Of Persia 3D\Geometry\Rooms\Ruins stripe02.bmp whitecarvedstripe.bmp ----------------------------------------------------
Prince of Persia 3D - Fixed Combat Mod
By Riccardo Santin
This mod wants to bring some justice to this game by increasing the challenge and playability.
The game is still not perfect, you can still avoid several fights just by running away, but now the fights seem less buggy, for example now Rugnor no longer gets stuck on the airship gangway.
Select the game difficulty before pressing "new game", if you change the difficulty from the options during the game the change will have no effect (game work in this way even without mods). Maybe "hard" it could be a bit frustrating now. If the enemies are too close and don't give you time to draw the weapon, hide, so they will get away from you. You can choose the difficulty you want, all difficulty levels are more difficult now. But if you choose "hard", the game will be very difficult against some opponents.
Download: (put in game directory) - 776 KB
Prince of Persia 3D on Windows 10
If none of the solutions listed helped you run POP 3D on your Windows 10 (including toca_1's guide), check out the following guide written by bloodem.
TESTED and WORKING ON WINDOWS 10 64 BIT v1909 (GeForce RTX 2060 @ 2560x1440) with some issues, see below.
Note: All files mentioned in the guide are available here:
1. Install Prince of Persia 3D from CD1
2. Extract PoP3D_Unpacked_Patch_v1.01.rar to the installation folder,
overwrite all files.
3. Extract the POP3D NOCD.rar patch in the installation dir, overwrite exe
4. Extract dgVoodoo to the installation dir and run dgVoodooCpl.exe. Go to
the DirectX tab, set forced resolution, max VRAM to 128 MB (don't set it
higher, seems to work better with max 128). Hit Apply & OK.
5. Install Riva Tuner. In the RivaTuner configuration, add the game exe and
set a frame cap of 60 FPS.
6. Copy options.sav from the (the one from 1920 x
1080 should work fine for 2560 x 1440 too)
6. IMPORTANT: Even with the NO CD patch, CD2 must be inserted in order to
play the game! So.... insert it now!
7. Run the game (on the first try it might not work, until Windows 10 first
applies the compatibility settings automatically).
8. After the game starts, sometimes the performance can be pretty bad (6 -
7 FPS) and CPU usage (as shown by MSI afterburner with RivaTuner) is very
high on one core: 100%.
The workaround for this is to start the game, load the level (don't do this
while in the menu) and then hit ALT - TAB.
This will minimize the game and after you maximize it again, CPU usage will
have decreased to 30 - 40% and performance will be perfect. If the prince
keeps jumping after you return to the game, hit the ALT key a few more
times and he will stop FYI, this issue seems to go away after some time
(maybe in some cases it won't even appear in the first place).
NOTE: If you want to see the intro movies, you must install "Quicktime alternative.rar" (located in the "OTHER TOOLS & PATCHES" folder)
1. In case of problems during startup: first thing to try is disabling DPI
scaling (Right click on desktop --> Display settings --> Change the
size of text, apps and other items --> 100%. If this is higher than
100%, it can cause many issues with old games!
2. In the second level, when you enter the water there are some graphical
issues with dgVoodoo (missing textures, basically you can't see anything
while you are submerged in the pool).
The workaround is to use DDrawCompat instead of dgvoodoo (just
delete the dgvoodoo files and extract the ddraw.dll in the game dir).
Make sure to disable DPI scaling as specified above (or you can try the
settings in DPI_compatibility_settings.jpg) and copy again the options.sav
for 1920x1080
(the disadvantage is that the game will not be forced to run at 2560x1440,
so with DDrawCompat v0.2.1 the game will run at maximum FullHD, but at
least you can get passed the water swimming sequence).
3. If you have issues with missing textures use the Geometry patch.
- Delete the <game dir>/Geometry folder
- Extract the Geometry archive in the game dir.
Fix framerate drops in PoP 3D on contemporary Windows systems by using a little DDraw wrapper called DDrawCompat:
This tool wraps old DirectX commands from Dx 7.0 and lower for modern systems and that seems to work for PoP 3D. You just put the ddraw.dll in the game folder next to the exe.
Game fixes
Multiple hangs remover
Ensure the correct operation of the game under Windows XP (for version 1.0).
Keyboard fix
The fix eliminates the reset of the keyboard.
Widescreen resolution - The width in options.sav is answered by two bytes: 0x0E and 0x0F, and by height at a distance of two from the width (0x12 and 0x13). There you can enter any resolution in hex-form, and the game should work fine. File with options.sav with the most common resolutions (1280x720, 1280x800, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1366x768, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1920x1080, 1920x1200).
No-CD fixes
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.0 MadPat - no CD
- Prince of Persia 3D DUTCH - cracked exe. backup CD
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.0 ENG - cracked exe. backup CD
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.1 Enos Fiedler [Paradigm] - cracked update. no CD
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.15 SPA Stukas - backup CD
These files can be found here.
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.15 [SPANISH] CD-Copy
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.0 [UK] CD-Copy
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.0 [DUTCH] Fixed-EXE
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.1 [US] No-CD Patch
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.0 Patch 1
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.1 [ENGLISH] No-CD Patch
- Prince of Persia 3D v1.1 [ENGLISH] Fixed Update
These files can be found here.
PoP 3D - New fix (No crashes):
Saved Files
These are all the save games for PoP 3D - V1.01
Download: pop3d-save.rar
Other complete saved files for PoP 3D:
Autosplitter Script/CE Cheat Table/PoP3D Minimize
Find them here:
Invincible trainer (F12 to activate):
God Mode trainer: pop3d.rar, pop3d.rar
Another trainer:
Prince of Persia 3D Windows Bootskin
- Made by Jalal Noureddine, download: pop3d.bootskin
NOTE: You need Stardock BootSkin
POP3D Font
- Font used in the game (Tsunami MT): Tsunami.ttf
Mods for Prince of Persia 3D
- 2 skin mods for POP3D (that change the Prince character): mods3.html
PoP3D Media
- Available media for Prince of Persia 3D: Movies, cut scenes, sounds and music from the game, plus the dialogues. As well as the official website features (trailer, audio pack, screen shots, etc.). media3.html
The Making of Prince of Persia 3D
Part 1 Part 2
UPDATE LINKS: Here you can download the Prince of Persia 3D "Making of" video (116 MB): It's a QuickTime video, taken from the POP Collection Limited Edition CD-ROM. (Thanks to Shattered).
Prince of Persia Collection: Limited Edition
Now you can download exclusively on Prince of Persia Collection: Limited Edition (Full CD). Thanks to Shattered.
General information:
Prince of Persia Collection Limited Edition © SoftKey Games
Publisher: SoftKey Games, Red Orb Entertainment
Developer: Brøderbund Software
Year: 1999
Platform: Windows
Genre: Action
Language: English
Source: Retail
Number of discs: 1
Compression format: RAR
Number of parts: 2
Part size: 300,000,000 bytes
File validation: SFV
Image format: MDF/MDS
Image created with: Alcohol 120%
Copy protection: Manual based
Prince of Persia v1.4
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame v1.1
Video of "The making of Prince of Persia 3D"
Demos of Riven: The sequel to Myst, The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time and Warlords III: DarkLords Rising
The game manual is included on the disc.
Contents of release:
popcle.rxx: Prince of Persia Collection Limited Edition high-res scans, cracks, copy protection codes
Install Notes:
01. Unpack with WinRAR
02. Burn or mount
03. Install
04. Play!
Use DOSBox to play the Prince of Persia games on modern systems.
Read Toegangscode.txt on the image or view popcle-scan-inlay2.jpg to solve the Prince of Persia 1 in-game copy protection.
Retail error:
The publisher forgot to include the protection codes for Prince of Persia 2. View the file popcle-codes.jpg to solve the Prince of Persia 2 in-game copy protection.
Crack instructions:
Use the cracked exes to remove the Prince of Persia 1 and 2 in-game copy protection. Copy the files into the installed folder, overwriting the existing ones.
*: DOSBox (read here: problems.html) is recommended to play.
NEW: For PoP1 and 2 only, click here:
Prince of Persia - Arabian Nights Dreamcast Remake of PoP 3D
The game takes place in a fictional 12th century Persia and focuses on the Prince character as he embarks on a quest to save his captured fiance from the clutches of the evil Sultan and his freakish nephew, Rugnor.
This is not Arabian nights for Dreamcast. This is Prince of Persia 3D for Dreamcast and may work with an emulator or Dreamcast.
Download: PoP_Arabian_Nights.pdf (2.40 MB)
Prince of Persia Magazine Scans
Check out the magazines.html page. This page contains hundreds of magazines scans concerning Prince of Persia 1 and 2 (and some for PoP 3D). You can find many maps, cheats, walkthroughs, hints, etc. for the games.
Arabian Nights
A new game similar to Prince of Persia 3D, you should try it if you love PoP3D!
- arabian.html (PC, Amiga and Amiga CD32)
Prince of Persia posters
Cool posters for the Prince of Persia series. Click here.
Prince of Persia userbars
Cool userbars for the Prince of Persia series. Click here.
FAQ, help & solve your problems page
Prince of Persia 1, 2 and 3D FAQ, help & solve your problems page. A must-check page. Click here.
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